A printout of the official regulations in the coat pocket is always handy in this situation. I've flown my bike overseas many times for free, with a recording from an airlines 800 line stating bikes fly free internationally after initially being told there would be additional charges for the bike. I suppose with the secrecy necessary to fight terrorism so deep within our current government, actually publishing the rules would seem out of character.
Should you get placed on the "NO FLY LIST", even by accident (as some congressmen have found themselves), you will discover that there are no published criteria for this honor and no official way to get off the list. As cyclists we have a natural propensity to be seen as subversive anarchists by our very nature—as we would choose for transport or recreation the most energy efficient machine every devised, and thereby invoke class warfare against the heavily government-subsidized horseless-carriage industry and their users. As Phreds, we always must be ever vigilant—keeping our helmet mirrors pointing rearward and eyes forward.
Yours in Cycling,
Gilbert Anderson
North Road Bicycle Imports P.O. Box 840 166 Courthouse Square Yanceyville NC 27379 milesawhelen@mac.com or cyclestore@aol.com Local: 919-828-8999 or Toll free Nationwide 800-321-5511