Utility Cycling—A Photo Essay
Traveling with dog?
Have Grill, Will Travel: Now here's the man who's bringing the party!
Spotted at the
US-Pros / Small-wheel festivities in Philly—2005
"But officer, I AM driving a car!"
Full car-stereo setup & lawn-mower battery! - Raleigh NC USA
Color-coordinated to boot!
Look ma - no poles! The
Topeak Bikamper uses the front-wheel to support the far end of the tent, eliminating the need for poles.
Putting the
Panniers-vs-Trailer debate to bed!
Why carry shovel AND griddle?
Yours in Cycling,
Gilbert Anderson
North Road Bicycle Imports
P.O. Box 840
166 Courthouse Square
Yanceyville NC 27379
milesawhelen@mac.com or cyclestore@aol.com
or Toll free Nationwide 800-321-5511